Paper writing tips

This a checklist of sorts for people working on papers with us; there are rare cases where one can make a thoughtful and justifed exception. In other words, draft manuscripts should have addressed these issues before they're given to others to read for efficiency. Time permitting, I prefer a page numbered, double spaced, document written using LaTeX which we can edit using Overleaf (so ask me to create the initial blank draft for you if you don't have a paid subscription since it allows for track changes). Please highlight all changes you make between iterations, especially those you make of your own accord without my input, using the \editauthor macro.

I also have these scripts, ~usr/grants/bin/check_all and the contents of ~usr/grants/etc/check/ for specific direction. Also, if you really want to get this all right, get A Handbook for Scholars by Mary-Claire van Leunen. Some of the finer points are illustrated in this pet peeves URL (with suggestions in LaTeX on how to address them).



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